Saturday, June 18, 2011

Best Blog Post This Week

On the way to work Monday, Ben spotted this character outside the Metro stop.

That could mean only one thing.  The Nationals were back in town.  But this week, it actually meant two things because the Cardinals were visiting the Nationals.  We went to the game on Tuesday night expecting a Cards win as the Nationals are, by all objective standards, terrible.  As a bonus it was $2 Tuesday, which meant tickets were...(drumroll)... you guessed it - $2.  

We were able to meet up with a few people Ben knew from law school and a campaign.  The Cardinals started taking care of business early and were leading 6-1 fairly late in the game.  

Unfortunately, they gave up a run in the 6th and then 6 in the 7th to blow the lead and ultimately the game.

Not deterred by our team's collapse on Tuesday, we headed back out to the ballpark on Wednesday.  Sadly, the Cardinals let us down again.  The got smacked around to the tune of 10-0.  

The real highlight of the trips to the ball park was to try a couple hot dogs from "Extreme Loaded Dogs."   Frequent readers of this blog may remember that we saw a hot dog with mac & cheese on it at a game earlier this season.  Well, Tuesday we found the stand to purchase such a hot dog, though it also has fritos on top.  What did it taste like you ask?  Well, it tasted like a hot dog with mac & cheese and fritos on top.  Wednesday, we tried the "Deli Dog," which had sauerkraut and thousand island dressing.  It was ok, but next time the frito pie hot dog will probably get the call.

Thursday softball was sadly rained out, but that was probably for the best.  With the late nights at the ball park, it was nice to catch up around the house. We did some more catching up on Friday.  Then Saturday morning we ran out to take care of some errands and hit up Ray's Hell Burger, which we had heard good things about.

We agree that it is a pretty tasty burger.  Some options that we did not take advantage of included foie gras and some bone marrow option.  Thanks, but no thanks.  They also had high quality sweet potato fries as well as a quality 7 cheese mac & cheese.

Weighed down by our Hell Burgers, we decided that it was a good idea to take a walk around the FDR and Jefferson Memorials before heading home.

It was a nice day to walk around and look at the monuments.  There were also a variety of activities taking place in the park areas of the mall.  It appeared that a triathalon had just wrapped up.  Also, there were several softball games and even a cricket match.

After Ben bored Kelly with his partial knowledge of the game of cricket, we headed home to check on the dogs and the U.S. Open scores.  The afternoon slipped away pretty quickly.  One very amusing development was the Mo was finally successful in catching a fly.  Mo is somewhat obsessed with flies and we had a few in our apartment. (When running errands earlier, our inquiry at Target about if they had fly swatters was met with a dismissive no and reminded Ben that he really hates Target deep down sometimes -- primarily because of their absurd return policy).

Anyway Mo or the dog now known as the Mo-sassin was on the hunt and managed to catch/eat a couple flies.  Ben then borrowed from Mr. Miagi in the old Karate Kid and explained to Mo that she could now accomplish anything.  She decided not to accomplish anything more.

And for those of you who like to keep tabs on the dogs and there daily activity.  You will be interested to know that while Dexter is unable to catch flies he has been working on some science experiments.  As it turns out, he was able to prove his hypothesis that the canine digestive tract cannot breakdown a racquetball.

Tomorrow we are off to the U.S. Open.  Sadly, cameras are not allowed, so we will just have to paint pictures with our words to you the reader.  Alternatively, it is on NBC.

1 comment:

  1. So Mo is eating flies and Dexter is eating racquetballs....those sweet dogs are hilarious!!!
