Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Vote For Mo! A Vote For MD!

Before you read farther, we ask that you go to this link and vote for Mosely in our neighborhood blog's pet costume contest.  Mo is number '028' Go Cards!  Also, feel free to send this link to everyone you know.  Mo could use the positive affirmation.

After a few long days at the office, we went for happy hour at The Old Dominion Bar.  A co-worker is a huge FSU fan and we joined for the alumni watch party. We had a good time watching the game, especially after each FSU touchdown the bar blared the school fight song over the loud speakers and followed that with several cheers, etc. We finished up the work week with a bang and then got ready for the weekend.

We headed out early on Saturday for Annapolis, MD. Our first stop was at the state capitol campus.

The building was built in 1772 and was used as the U.S. Capitol from 1773-1774. It was also the building where George Washington turned in his resignation as President of the United States. On display in the old house chamber (where he handed in his resignation)was his personal copy of his resignation letter.

(Sir, would you consider voting for Mo?)

The capitol complex was beautiful and looked similar to how it was in 1772. The capitol building was surrounded by old brick buildings and storefronts including Ben's favorite establishment, a barber shop.

We headed over to "Red, Hot and Blue" for some very satisfying BBQ. It was by far the best BBQ we have had since our move out East, but was still nothing like what you can find in the Midwest.

(If you think pigs will fly before Mo wins, then go ahead and check that off) 

With full stomachs, we headed to Sandy Point state park for a walk on the beach.

We took a lovely stroll up the bay and engaged on a hotly contested game of "skip the sea shell".

(For just $4 each way, you could drive over this bridge.)

(Move over Jersey shore, Maryland has some very scenic beaches.)

While skipping shells is normally a game that fits Ben's skill set, Kelly was victorious. After letting Ben pout after his loss, we headed over to the Naval Academy to look around.

We walked around campus and some of the beautiful buildings before headed over the to football game. In typical Kelly and Ben fashion, we had no tickets, but managed to find 2 tickets for $5 each.

It was a great stadium and even better tradition after touchdowns. All the cadets, who all stand in the first section behind the sidelines, run to the back of the endzone to do pushups.

(oh captain, my captain!)

After the game we grabbed some crabcakes at the Cantler's Inn before heading back to the district.

Overall, we had a wonderful experience in Annapolis and plan on making many return trips in the future.
 (If there was no other reason to go back to Annapolis - trying to track down this car would be enough.)

On our way back home we stopped by "Trusty's" to meet up with our friends Blake and Erika to watch the Arkansas football game. Trusty's is the Arkansas Alumni bar of choice, so the place was packed with Razorback fans. We watched from the upstairs of the bar which included an old school bus. We literally watched the game while sitting in school bus seats!

(Ok kids, we're going to need to see some ID)

Our flag football game ended in heartbreak after making a courageous comeback. We were super bummed and super sore after the lose and decided to make ketel corn to treat ourselves after lunch. We spent much of the early afternoon watching "Bad Teacher" with Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake. It was amusing, but very unrealistic and alot of jokes that were very over the top.

After that, it was an afternoon of chores to get ready for another work week.

Don't forget to vote for Mo!

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