Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our highly anticipated weekend got started on Friday. One of our favorite shows, Jeopardy, was taping episodes in DC and we had tickets to two tapings.  It was fun to see the behind the scenes action and listen to Alex Trebek answer questions from the audience during commercial breaks.

Saturday we woke up early and headed to the White House. Twice a year the White House offers tours of the grounds. We were able to walk right up to the White House and stand just a few feet from the Diplomatic Reception Room.

We also saw the Rose Garden, Jackie Kennedy Garden, outside of the Oval Office, pool, putting green, the White House kitchen garden and the entire south lawn.

(Rose Garden)

(Oval Office)
(Oval Office again)
They identified many of the trees on the grounds that were planted by former Presidents. Next to the trees were photos of the tree ceremony. In addition to trees planted by Presidents Obama, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton, there were trees planted by Eisenhower, Truman and even Andrew Jackson.


It was a great tour, however our day was just beginning.  Even though Ben was on crutches and rain was in the forecast, we decided to head up to Pittsburgh, PA. The combination of the Pirates playing the Cardinals, an interest in seeing a game at PNC Park and "free umbrella night" provided the motivation we needed for the four hour drive.

(There were a few moments when we weren't sure if it was a good idea to make the trip to Pittsburgh.)

Before heading to the game, we decided to hit up an what was described as a Pittsburgh culinary institution.  Primanti Brothers sandwiches are "almost famous" because they feature fries and coleslaw on the sandwich itself rather than as a side.  

The concept seemed pretty fabulous, but the product left something to be desired.  In the end, the sandwich was improved with a little addition of another Pittsburgh institution... Heinz ketchup.

After dinner, we headed for the stadium area.  To get to PNC park, you have to cross one of Pittsburgh's many bridges.

Before heading into the stadium, we walked around to check it out from all sides.

Once inside, the rains returned.  Luckily, it was free umbrella night.

(Even the parrot mascot had a rain slicker)

With the rains, we relocated under the covered seats and enjoyed the start of the game.  Unfortunately, the Cardinals did not capitalize on a 1st inning bases loaded opportunity.

The stadium was very impressive, particularly its use of the city skyline.  PNC park is certainly in the running for the best stadium we have been to.  Speaking of running, despite the Cardinals inability to score we stuck around to see "The Great Pittsburgh Pierogy Race."     

While mildly entertaining and probably delicious, the pierogis lacked a certain something that we have grown accustomed to in Washington with the Racing Presidents. 

With the game winding down, the Cardinals unable to put together a rally, and a four hour drive home ahead of us, we decided to head out.

Overall, we were pleasantly surprised by Pittsburgh.  Hopefully we will make it back during football season.

We got home in the early hours of Sunday morning and were happy to be home.  Sunday was spent running errands and catching up on some chores before it was time for another work week.

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