Sunday, July 24, 2011

More softball than you can shake a stick at

Our last post left off with a cliffhanger as to what we would do the next week.  Well, at the time we were unsure, but now that it has happened we know and so we are going to share it with you, our faithful readers.

As the title of this post indicates, Ben and Kelly played a lot of softball this week.  Tuesday night we played with our the architecture team we freelance with from time to time.  We helped them on to another victory, which was nice.

Thursday meant more softball.  It also meant more heat.  The heat wave that has been sweeping across the country arrived in full force on Thursday in our nation's capital.  Unfortunately, the heat did not help us in our Thursday night game against "Milwaukee's Best."  Kelly and Ben took the loss pretty hard.  This could have been because it was their first loss in DC, but the more likely reason is that Milwaukee's Best were total jerks.  To borrow from George Costanza, the jerk store called because they were running out of Milwaukee's Best.

Our final softball commitment of the week was a charity tournament on Saturday.  This was probably a bad idea to participate in.  First, it was unbelievably hot.  Next, not everyone embraces softball like Kelly and Ben.  In particular, our team manager did not really embrace softball or the benefit of winning.  This became evident when Kelly and Ben were slotted to hit in the 9th and 11th spot respectively.  Seeing that Kelly and Ben went a collective 5-8 with 3/4 of the team's RBIs and the 1-4 hitters on the team went 1-12 with no RBIs, a different managerial strategy may have been beneficial.  Oh well, it was for charity.

(The best thing about the charity tournament was this Darth Vader spatula.)

Having narrowly avoided heat strokes, Ben and Kelly returned to the apartment to spent some quality time with the dogs and watch a movie in the air conditioning. 

(Dexter wanted to say hi)

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