Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A rollercoaster to start the week...

The week started out with a lot of potential.  Sure it was a going to be a full week of work, but we had softball Tuesday and apparently one week after America's birthday is 7-11's birthday on July 11th.  While 7-11's birthday does not have fireworks, it does have free Slurpees.  After waiting for the end of the work day, Ben and Kelly grabbed the dogs and went for a walk towards the 7-11 like it was Christmas morning.  What happened next is probably best explained in the letter below.

Dear 7-11,
I was looking forward to celebrating 7-11's birthday yesterday.  I had seen a news article telling me about the free slurpee offer and I thought that would be a nice treat during the heat wave Washington, DC is currently experiencing.  I am a pretty big fan of Slurpees and often get a couple per week. That said, I have been unwilling to go away from my Coca-Cola/Fanta Cherry mix because it is so good.  
I had thought the free birthday Slurpee would be a great opportunity to try a new flavor.  Unfortunately, my neighborhood 7-11 was out of free cups and none of their machines had frozen Slurpee in them.  Committed to this idea, I walked an additional 7 blocks to the next closest 7-11.  Again, I was disappointed.  At this 7-11 I found a hand written sign that said no free slurpees after 4pm.
(For you sticklers, the 4pm was on a sign inside.)
I guess 11-7=4, but that doesn't seem like the company motto to me.  Anyway, I hope 7-11 had a great birthday, I am just sorry I did not get to celebrate it by trying a new Slurpee flavor.  

While 7-11 disappointed us, we were pleased to see that some people had been listening to us.  Those of you who are frequent readers of this blog may remember our desire for escalator repair in Washington, DC.  Well, our pleas have been heard.  And other have joined in us in calling for better escalators in our nation's capital. 
(7/12/11 - Washington Post, front page above the fold)

There was also a Washington Times article on the issue and multiple reports on local TV news.  

We hoped our escalator success would carry over to the softball field.  It was a hot evening on The Mall with the heat index over 100 degrees.  Our team was ended up winning 14-10.   

Wednesday was another day at our respective offices without much to report.  Tomorrow is the 50th annual Congressional Baseball Game, where members of Congress actually play a baseball game Democrats vs. Republicans.  Our next post should contain some highlights, so look forward to that.

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